We had such a blast to document this wedding! Wonderful people and wonderful celebration!
Rebecca and Dustin were married at Salvage One, Chicago. They lived in India during their wedding planning and preparation but they worked with great artists who made sure they wedding day would be perfect. Kitty Koster from Hearty Boys was their event planner and coordinator. It was a pleasure to work with Kitty and her […]
It’s so wonderful to see the pictures from Kate and Mike’s charming wedding on Style Me Pretty blog! We were honored to document Kate and Mike’s love, happiness and wedding celebration. Please check this feature here if you would like to see more images and read Kate’s lovely description of their wedding day.
I’m so trilled that Erin and Mike’s charming wedding was featured on Elizabeth Anne Designs blog! It was a pleasure to meet Erin, Mike and to work with many talented people. The wedding was held at Salvage One – unique and cozy space, beautifully decorated by Kelly Marie from Fleur. Amy from Big Day Easy […]